A Qualitative Study of Foreign Nursing Students' Experiences of Educational Process
Fatma Tanrıkulu, Özge Öner, Büsra Gürcay, & Esma Akgül. (2024). A Qualitative Study of Foreign Nursing Students’ Experiences of Educational Process. Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, (39), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.14689/enad.39.1732 Özet
Foreign students face difficulties in nursing education, where theoretical
and practical education processes are applied simultaneously. As to clinical
education processes, which have an important place in nursing education, foreign
students’ experience communication problems with patients, nurses, and peers, and
this brings along adaptation problems. In this study, it was aimed to determine the
experiences of foreign nursing students in the undergraduate education process.
The research was carried out according to the case study, which is one of the
qualitative research methods. Ten foreign nursing students were included in the
study. Data were collected with a socio-demographic information form and a semistructured focus group interview form. Five main themes were determined in nursing
foreign students' experiences with nursing education: (1)being a nursing student,
(2)feeling, (3)reason for preference, (4) being a minority in a country, and
(5)solution suggestions. In line with the results from our study, it is thought that
ensuring the continuity of Turkish courses throughout undergraduate education, a
clearer explanation of theoretical courses, enrichment of courses with different
teaching methods, and increasing the use of visual materials will be beneficial for
their success and adaptation in order to minimize the language barrier of the