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dc.contributor.authorDök, Gökhan
dc.contributor.authorÇağar, Naci
dc.contributor.authorİlki, Alper
dc.contributor.authorYılmaz, Cemal
dc.description.abstractIn this study, it was aimed to investigate the dynamic impact and post-impact performances of high-strength reinforced concrete (RC) beams, which have different ductility and load-bearing capacities. The dynamic behavior and impact damages of RC beams were compared after exposure to a constant magnitude of impact energy. The applied impact energy was obtained by dropping a mass of 360 kg from a certain height of 3 m. The cross-section dimensions and length of the specimens were selected to carry out the experiments in full-scale. The tested specimens were designed with five different longitudinal reinforcement ratios for demonstrating distinct structural behavior mechanisms that vary from pure flexure to pure shear, representing different ductilities, load-bearing capacities and potential failure characteristics. The post-impact behavior of the impacted RC beams was also assessed by performing quasi-static bending tests on the impact-damaged specimens and the obtained results were compared with the identical undamaged reference RC beams. The results demonstrated that the longitudinal reinforcement ratio (which was intentionally designed for different specimens to exhibit different structural responses from pure shear to pure flexural and different shear-flexure mechanisms) significantly influences the dynamic response and damage intensity of the beams, which, in turn, affect their post-impact static performance. Key structural characteristics, including residual displacement, ductility, energy dissipation, load-carrying capacity, and stiffness, were analyzed. It was found that the mechanical properties of the beams deteriorated markedly after impact exposure. A crucial finding of this research is the notable shift in failure modes from flexural to shear after impact, depending on the damage severity. In RC beams, shear damage remains insignificant under both impact loading and subsequent static loading when the ratio of shear strength to flexural strength (Vr/Mr) exceeds 1.5. Conversely, when this ratio is less than 1.5, the behavior transitions to being shear-critical or shear-dominant. This study presents, for the first time, comprehensive experimental results on the impact-induced damage progression, failure mechanisms, and residual behavior of high-strength RC beams. These insights are vital for understanding the performance of RC structures under impact loads and contribute significantly to the field of structural engineering, particularly in designing impact-resilient structures.en_US
dc.publisherElsevier Ltden_US
dc.subjectFailure mechanismen_US
dc.subjectImpacted beamen_US
dc.subjectReinforced concreteen_US
dc.subjectPost-impact capacityen_US
dc.titleEffect of longitudinal reinforcement ratio on residual flexural capacity of high-strength reinforced concrete beams exposed to impact loadingen_US
dc.departmentFakülteler, Teknoloji Fakültesi, İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümüen_US
dc.institutionauthorDök, Gökhan
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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