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dc.contributor.authorKalayci, Kemal
dc.contributor.authorDemirel, Onur
dc.contributor.authorArifoglu, Ugur
dc.contributor.authorHizarci, Halime
dc.identifier.citationKemal Kalaycı, Onur Demirel, Uğur Arifoğlu, & Halime Hızarcı. (2023). Analysis of Three-Level T-Type LLC Resonant Isolated Bidirectional DC–DC Converter Under Three-Degrees-of-Freedom Modulation. IEEE Access, 11, 60605–60625. ‌en_US
dc.description.abstractThis paper proposes a bidirectional three-level T-type LLC resonant DC-DC converter operating with phase-shift control, which is simple and effective, variable frequency modulation to perform soft switching in a wide voltage ratio range and light loads, and pulse width modulation to reduce reactive circulating current. In this combined modulation method, three control parameters: switching frequency, the duty cycle of switches in the vertical arms, and phase shift between primary and secondary switches, are changed depending on the voltage conversion ratio and load. The circuit operates as LLC resonant in forward operation and series resonant in reverse operation. Thus, LLC and series resonant analyses of the proposed converter, operated in continuous conduction mode and buck mode, are presented. A simplified frequency domain analysis, including all harmonics, is used in the theoretical calculations. Thus, the control parameters are accurately calculated for forward and reverse operations. The current, voltage, and power formulas in the working principle of the converter are derived, and an analysis of the control parameters and zero voltage switching region is performed. Soft switching analysis is done by considering the junction capacitor of the MOSFET and the dead time. The theoretical performance of the proposed modulation method has been verified with a 2 kW prototype. Soft-switching and loss analyses of the proposed converter have also been investigated under different load conditions and voltage conversion ratios. The proposed LLC resonant topology and modulation method improved significantly more efficiency than the phase-shifted modulated T-type converter under 30-100% load conditions. © 2013 IEEE.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofIEEE Accessen_US
dc.subjectBidirectional dc-dc converter; frequency-domain analysis; LLC resonant; pulse width modulation (PWM); single phase shift control (SPS); T-type; variable frequency; zero voltage switching (ZVS)en_US
dc.subjectDC-DC converters; Degrees of freedom (mechanics); Electric inverters; Electric loads; Frequency domain analysis; Phase control; Reactive power; Topology; Zero voltage switching; Bidirectional dc-dc converter; Bidirectional DC/DC; Dc/dc converters; DC/DC power converters; Frequency-domain analysis; LLC resonant; Phase shift control; Pulse width modulation; Pulsewidth modulations (PWM); Resonant converters; Single phase shift control; Single phasis; Soft-switching; T-type; Variable frequencies; Zero voltage switching; Zero- Voltage Switching; Pulse width modulationen_US
dc.titleAnalysis of Three-Level T-Type LLC Resonant Isolated Bidirectional DC-DC Converter Under Three-Degrees-of-Freedom Modulationen_US
dc.departmentFakülteler, Teknoloji Fakültesi, Mekatronik Mühendisliği Bölümüen_US
dc.institutionauthorDemirel, Onur
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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