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dc.contributor.authorÖzge, Özgen
dc.contributor.authorAvcı, Davut
dc.contributor.authorSönmez, Fatih
dc.contributor.authorTamer, Ömer
dc.contributor.authorDege, Necmi
dc.contributor.authorBaşoğlu, Adil
dc.contributor.authorAtalay, Yusuf
dc.contributor.authorKurt, Belma Zengin
dc.identifier.citationÖzge, Ö., Avcı, D., Sönmez, F., Tamer, Ö., Dege, N., Başoğlu, A., . . . Kurt, B. Z. (2023). Synthesis, DFT calculations, α-glucosidase inhibitor activity, and docking studies on schiff base metal complexes containing isothiocyanate. Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 37(5) doi:10.1002/aoc.7084en_US
dc.description.abstractDiabetes is one of the fastest growing global health crises of the 21st century. One of the current therapeutic approaches used in the treatment of diabetes involves the suppression of carbohydrate hydrolyzing enzymes such as α-glucosidase. In this context, α-glucosidase inhibitors are important in the treatment and prevention of diabetes. For this reason, new Schiff base complexes including isothiocyanate {[Cd(L1)2(NCS)2], (1), [Zn(L1)2(NCS)2], (2), [Cu(L1)2(NCS)2], (3), [Ag(L1)(NCS)2], (4), [Hg(L1)2(NCS)Cl], (5); L1: N-(pyridin-2-ylmethylene)methanamine} were synthesized to investigate α-glucosidase inhibitor potentials. The IC50 values of complexes 1–5 were found at 0.2376 ± 0.82 and 251.403 ± 2.54-μM range. Among these complexes, complex 5 has the highest α-glucosidase inhibitor property. The spectral investigations for the complexes 1/2–5 characterized by XRD/LC-HRMS were performed by UV–Vis and FT–IR spectra. Furthermore, the TD-DFT/DFT calculations were fulfilled by using CAM-B3LYP and ωB97XD/6–311+G(d,p)//LanL2DZ levels to obtain optimum complex structures, spectral, linear and nonlinear optical properties for 1–5. According to obtained theoretical nonlinear optical results, complex 3 is a strong indicator in terms of microscopic nonlinear optical (NLO) properties. The docking studies of these complexes were examined to display the target protein interactions with these complexes. © 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.en_US
dc.publisherJohn Wiley and Sons Ltden_US
dc.relation.ispartofApplied Organometallic Chemistryen_US
dc.subjectMetal complexes; Nonlinear optics; Optical properties; Structural optimization; Synthesis (chemical); X ray diffraction; DFT calculation; DFT//CAM-B3LYP/ωb97xd; Electronic spectrum; Glucosidase; Glucosidase inhibitors; Metals ions; N-(pyridin-2-ylmethylene)methanamine; XRD; XRD, electronic spectrum; Α-glucosidase; Metal ionsen_US
dc.titleSynthesis, DFT calculations, α-glucosidase inhibitor activity, and docking studies on Schiff base metal complexes containing isothiocyanateen_US
dc.departmentMeslek Yüksekokulları, Pamukova Meslek Yüksekokulu, Eczane Hizmetleri Programıen_US
dc.institutionauthorSönmez, Fatih
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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