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dc.contributor.authorTemizer, Ilker
dc.contributor.authorCihan, Omer
dc.identifier.citationTemizer, I., & Cihan, O. (2023). An experimental investigation of new chamber geometry on the combustion characteristics, performance and emissions in a light-duty diesel engine. Fuel, 345 doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2023.128160en_US
dc.description.abstractPiston bowl geometry directly affects many parameters such as combustion, flow, turbulence, and mixture formation in-cylinder. This causes a change in engine performance, combustion characteristics and exhaust emissions. In the present study, the effects of piston bowl geometry on mixture formation, combustion characteristics, and emission characteristics of a direct injection compression ignition engine have been experimentally tested. Novel bowl geometries namely New Combustion Chamber (NCC) were developed and made comparison Standard Combustion Chamber (SCC). Air-cooled, four-stroke, single-cylinder and direct injection compression ignition engine was used in the experiments. The diesel engine was operated under full load and different speed conditions (1800, 1900, 2000, 2100 and 2200 rpm). Within the scope of the study, brake specific fuel consumption, engine torque, exhaust emissions (CO2, CO, O2, HC, NO and soot) and combustion characteristics (Instantaneous heat release rate, in-cylinder pressure change, rate of pressure rise and mass fraction burned) were examined. The results showed that the eight pockets and sub-base radius in the NCC geometry significantly improved the specified parameters. The NCC geometry according to the SCC, the specific fuel consumption decreased by approximately 6.89% and engine torque increase 6.32% in the achieved maximum torque at 2000 rpm. Exhaust emissions are generally reduced thanks to the NCC bowl geometry. However, NO emissions increased due to increased temperatures, improved combustion and mixture formation at all speeds. When the combustion analyzes were examined, it was seen that the new type of bowl improved the combustion. The reason was that the increase of the bowl in the surface area, and the increased turbulence with it provided easier evaporation of the fuel droplets and better mixture formation with the air. The spread of combustion over a large area causes an increase in the flame surface area and more controlled combustion was achieved. © 2023 Elsevier Ltden_US
dc.publisherElsevier Ltden_US
dc.subjectCombustion chambers; Direct injection; Engine cylinders; Engine pistons; Geometry; Ignition; Turbulence; Bowl geometry modification; Chamber geometry; Combustion characteristics; Combustion emissions; Engine performance; Exhausts emissions; Geometry modifications; Injection compression ignition engine; Mixture formation; Piston bowls; Diesel enginesen_US
dc.titleAn experimental investigation of new chamber geometry on the combustion characteristics, performance and emissions in a light-duty diesel engineen_US
dc.departmentMeslek Yüksekokulları, Hendek Meslek Yüksekokulu, Makine ve Metal Teknolojileri Programıen_US
dc.institutionauthorCihan, Ömer
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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