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dc.contributor.authorSimsir I.
dc.contributor.authorMete B.
dc.description.abstractThe concept of industry is a branch of activity that has constantly changed over the years (Rana & Sharma, 2019). The industrial revolution has developed international trade, labor relations, and legal structures and brought about radical innovations not only in engineering sciences but also in social and health sciences (Özsoylu, 2017). Until the time we live in, four major industrial revolutions have taken place. Industrially, the first industrial revolution (Industry 1.0), which started with the invention of the steam engine in the 18th century and aimed to increase production, was followed by the second industrial revolution (Industry 2.0), which emerged as a transition to mass production at the beginning of the 20th century and started to benefit from electrical energy. Later, the third industrial revolution (Industry 3.0) emerged, where production systems ceased to be analog and digital systems took part in industry. Recently, a new industrial revolution has been mentioned. This period, which was put forward under the leadership of Germany and triggered by cyber physical system (CPS)-based production and service innovation, includes the autonomous management of industrial products or systems with more software and intuitive intelligence (Yildiz, 2018). The radical changes created by software and information systems in the business processes that produce goods and services started the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). The new needs arising from the fourth industrial revolution made it compulsory for enterprises to renew themselves, to adopt new working and production techniques, and to apply modern business and personnel principles. As a result of technological and scientific developments, the work has undergone significant changes in terms of form, quality and quantity, causing the emergence of new jobs and working areas, and the need for personnel with different qualifications in these areas. In addition, enterprises have made great efforts to adapt their personnel to changing environmental conditions. Therefore, contemporary management and contemporary management concepts have gained great importance (Saldamli, 2008). In this context, managers in the field of human resources management aim to train employees with technology and digital competence and problem-solving skills. New recruits are also expected to have the skills to use computer/technology, and develop and apply digital solutions (Sorko et al., 2016). As stated above, the informatics and technological changes that have developed with Industry 4.0 have significantly affected the management and business methods of enterprises. Today’s businesses are aware that traditional methods used to keep up with this change are no longer sufficient, and that complex business processes and functions can only be managed using technology. Alongside the rapid developments in information technologies, in the digitalizing world, human resources management approaches have also started to adapt to digital transformation. Hence, nowadays companies use digital human resources systems while performing their human resources functions. In this way, the capability to carry out activities far faster, dynamically and on a global scale in electronic processes enables an institution to be part of a wider employment process (Bayarçelik, 2020). Artificial intelligence robots conducting interviews, the use of chatbots, transferring payroll, leave and personal information to the digital environment, conducting training online, using QR codes in job applications, transferring all HR functions to mobile applications and tracking on there, online performance measurement and instant feedback, and making career plans digitally are among the digital technologies used in the field of human resources management. Digitalization has many advantages for businesses in terms of human resources applications. The first of these is that it provides cost savings. Achieving savings on paper, etc., in the virtue of digitalizing HR applications, reduces the costs of businesses. Another advantage is that it saves time. With digital applications, transactions can be performed much faster than the time spent for manual transactions. Finally, digital applications allow businesses to work more flexibly (Kiliç Kirilmaz, 2020). In this section, the concept of digital human resources management, and digital human resources management processes and technologies used in the human resources management process will be discussed. © 2022 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc.en_US
dc.publisherNova Science Publisher Inc.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofSpecial Human Resource Management Practices and Strategyen_US
dc.subjectdigital human resources managementen_US
dc.subjecthuman resourcesen_US
dc.titleDigital Age of Human Resources Managementen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryKitap Bölümü - Uluslararasıen_US

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